Self Image

I get so burned when I see displays of women scantily clad in advertisements, even Victoria's Secret are out of line. If your children are embarrassed to hand you the mail with those catalogs in them, they have gone too far with the half dressed models. I just want my daughter to believe that women are to be cherished, admired yes- but in a sanctimonious way. I want them to be revered for their beauty within, I'd love for their wisdom to be as much apart of any accolades they receive as much as their looks are. I always tell my children how wonderful they are, of course I ask em' why the heck they are soo cute all the time (it's my moral obligation), but I also say, "Did I tell you how smart, wise and wonderful you are today?"
I know the world will do a real bang up job telling them how wonderful they are, right? I know when I was a child I had the red hair and freckles that every one loves to point out. I did not really get a complex because of that, I got freaked out because people pointed and gawked because I was a match to an identical twin sister. Twins with red hair and freckles, what a draw we were! I still did not really become self conscience about looks until about the 3rd grade when my PE teacher called Leesa and I "big butts." UGH - the terror! It was an ugly lesson in life. Other people's perceptions are not indicative of the truth, - I literally identified myself with this misnomer. From that point on I literally covered up my bahuncus with long shirts until I was in my 20's. occurred to me that those long shirts are quite unsightly (to me). I was a slave to that comment. I grew up with beautiful fashion models who always get the lead singer and shopping galore and here I was - so far from the so-called society norms of what beauty is. I guard my girls now, I have three daughters, and I tell them they are perfectly made just they way they are - my son too. He was the only child blessed with the good lot to be a red-head. I tell him, if anyone gives you a hard time about your hair remember that your mama prayed for you to be a red head - it is answered prayer!
I think about what is considered beauty - it is an age old tale: A fair maiden is how great she looks, and how appealing she is to a man. In times of yore the robust, buxom lady with a healthy backside was attractive. In some cultures, rotund was the preference. Today, women should be thin, tanned, white toothed, and blond. My girls are none the like. Albeit, they are happy, confident, loved, kind, sweet, smart and enjoyable to be around. I teach them to be themselves. I teach them to live their lives around people that treat them well, unconditionally.
The truth is beauty fades, it is vain. However, a woman of noble character, who can compare? My granny said, "Pretty is as pretty does." I can only hope that with all the forces on either side of us, especially in Vegas, I can instill healthy self images for my children. Oh, by the way...I have great derriere - because I think so!


  1. I really love this post, it is so true and it is so awesome you are teaching your girls these things. I also really enjoy your blog, saw it on facebook so I thought I would come over here and read. Awesome writing!


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