Big Girl Pants

"My children I would not change for all the leisure and pleasure that I could have without them." - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Mother of 7 (including one set of twins)

Tonight, I just wanted to poke my nose in a good book, maybe write a little if I felt so inclined and just sprawl out in relaxation. I put the last child to bed and took one more load out of the laundry because I hate it when it sours. Much to my chagrin, there was a dirty diaper that accidentally got washed. I felt like throwing the entire load in the trash, however that would not be using my good Girl Scout wits of "using my resources wisely," now would it?
I suppose I say all of this to make the point that when you feel like giving up, or you feel like it is just too hard - pull strength from those who have gone before us. Or like my beloved friend, Debbie Starr (who is now with Great Spirit) would say, "Put your big girl panties on!"


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