Eating Sponge Cake

I clean everyday. If, perchance I miss a day of cleaning we may not be able to walk through our house. Therefore, I incorporate cleaning into my children's lives by insisting, "I am not your maid, please pick up after yourself." Whenever messes are made, I simply ask my children to clean them up. Even as young as a two year old can use the almighty paper towel.
Serena, (the two year old) wanted to help me clean one day. So I gave her a sponge and asked her to clean her sister's bouncy seat. Serena was just wiping away the crumbs that accrue from an eight months old's day to day messes. I was so confident in Serena's ability to clean, that I left the baby in her bouncy seat and really got into my dishes at hand. I looked up often to make sure all was well - to see Serena had left her post to carry on about the business of a two year old in exploration. Gabriella (8 months) was happy as a lark in her bouncy seat, eating the sponge! Thankfully, I had just retrieved the sponge from the dishwasher. I still could not stop thinking about the germs...thank God for the anti-bacterial angel over kids.

Did you know that Sacagawea was only 18 years old with a two-month-old baby strapped on her back during her explorations of the American Northwest with Lewis and Clark?


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