A New Baby

Everytime I think of the fact that I already have four children, I just shake my head in disbelief. Now, I am in my last trimester with number five. All I can say is that we are so blessed. I would have never planned my life this way - but God. As Hope, my eldest daughter says, "You hit the jackpot in kids, mom."
There are days when I think I am living in the Twilight Zone. Then, there are times that I feel I am the most fortunate person living. Right now I am caring, loving, and teaching the little ones I have, whilst carrying another. I just have to remember that through the hormones, heat and bowling ball in my belly - there is a life that has no bounds of possibility that is alive and waiting to see us all. I did buy a baby t-shirt today that said,"Baby Brother," for retail therapy. I have the strength to complete this course of action. That is, a few more months of pregnancy (which is not for wimps) and I CAN handle all the other life around me as well. As Erma Bombeck said, "I am assisting God in a miracle." Now back to being a miracle worker as I clothe, feed, discipline, teach, and lova da kiddies.


  1. You're doing such an AMAZING job Holly! I'm so thankful to God for you and our friendship! I count myself BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE to be on this life journey together! Love you and your beautiful family precious friend!!!


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