Simple Needs

Taking the time to listen to my peers speak about their sites and experiences as mental health interns was medicine for my soul. One was an Okie girl like me. I was happy to be around people who understood what I had just been through, getting all those hours together for the prize, the license! My interview went well and I sashayed out the door saluting "OU" to my cohorts. My Okie friend responded with a congratulatory "Boomer Sooner!" They looked relieved for me, knowing their rite of passage was next.
The overwhelming feeling of calm after the storm pervaded my mind. The old trees on campus were strong and sure, and lovely to my eyes. My future career seemed to be cemented with the same assurance I thought. The next thought was...a celebration is in order! Party!
What I really desire is my divine purpose. I believe the minutia of getting through the red tape is leading me to a place aligned in love. Narrow is the road that leads to life, it has been difficult but I see the value in studying to show myself approved. I am proud because I made it by trusting myself and the God of the universe to get me where I am today. I got back in my smelly minivan and headed home after a small stop for an animal style double double.
Then it happened, I fell defenseless to a garage sale sign begging me to follow. It had balloons on it! I waited for the people who practically parked in the yard to clear out so I could park, when a lady pulled in. She had a breathing machine on, but walked through the sale without it. Her face was peaked, her body was frail. I knew that look. It appeared that her spirit was crushed. I knew she was dying. I was staring, then I got cognizant and I began to pray. I prayed deeply for God-knows-what for her. I did not have the words but the intention was for a divine breath of life. She was about get into her car to leave when I said, "Excuse me." She looked at me with such a serious face, I did not know what she was going to think, but I did not care. I continued, "I wanted you to know that I prayed for you just now, and you need to know that." She looked closer at me and said, "I will take all the prayer I can get." We nodded heads and she went her way and I went mine.
The overall message today is that we can pray, love, serve, and give easily, anywhere with no credentials. As some blokes have once bellowed out to the world, "All You Need is Love."
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