Real Connection

There is a lot to be said about friendship. I know for me it is the salt of the earth. Friendship gives life flavor. Fun. There really cannot be anything better on the planet than laughing with a friend. When is the last time you laughed so hard your face hurt with your bestie?
Friends can make the difference in a lackluster day. I am talking about the acquaintances we have as well. People like the folks we see at the store, or co- workers that we may chat with but we don’t divulge our dreams, depths or dregs too. Those people help make life more than tolerable. Sometimes a smile or a little talk about the weather buoys the soul. I have even spoken to people that I don’t know that well that have given me enough inspiration to go on for weeks.
Then there are those friends that you can take the masks down with and be real. Not your selfie pic, but the true you. I am not even talking about the people that have known you forever. We change every seven years in a variety of ways. The Holly I was when I was 30 is not the one I am right now. I have friends that have been around a long time and they know everything about me - and still like me. Do they really know me? My friends that I can bare my soul to are a real comfort.
I have had seasons with some friendships. They cross my mind often. But I have also have friends that have hung on when the rest of the world let go. These are the people that are your fans, and you are theirs. They encourage you, love you and hold your hand through it all. Of course you have talked them off the ledge a time or two as well. They pray for you, and by all means they let you know when you are completely out of line.
My favorite people are the ones that continue to grow personally. I find my friendship with them grows as well. I think my preferred friendships are the ones that never assume they know you, but the ones that ask all about you.
Do these friends exist? Ut- hum, well if you don’t have friends like this perhaps you could be a friend like this to someone else. Friendships require upkeep. Making calls, sending invites and random cards (hand written), pop bys, offer to fry them some chicken (at their house of course), help them move (real friendship), or bring them homemade chocolate chip cookies, or just go out for coffee. I feel that many of the friendships in the age of communications can be superficial. We are in danger of only seeing what is presentable on social media, or texts, but getting to know people - really know them takes more than seeing a screen. When you ask people how they are, do you really want to know? Real friendships are all about priorities. How about this, real friendships are making new friends and nourishing the ones we have. Call your friend today.
“He’s not a bother, he’s my brother.”- Author Unknown
Make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the others gold. – Traditional Song
"The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend's success."
- Oscar Wilde
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV 
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
“Your in my soul.” –Rod Stewart


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