"By God, I wave back."

I really enjoy a good sad song every once in awhile. I have heard it said that even the happiest of folk cannot resist the minor keyed melody when hard times hit. I agree. The last thing I wanna hear when I have a bluey, (as my friend calls em') is "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." Actually, I am never in the mood for that one.
Think about the songs that are background to our lives: "Change Gonna Come," by Sam Cooke, "God Bless the Child," Billie Holiday (she aint talking about no happy kid either), "Dearie: Touch the Hand of Love," Yo-Yo Ma & Rene Fleming. Listen to the soul cry out in some of these songs: "You may have to wonder far, over thorns that bleed and scar you - and those rocky mountains you must climb will try to blind you."- Yo - Yo
"The strong gets more while the weak ones fade," - Billie
"It's been too hard livin but I'm afraid to die, cause I don't know whats out there beyond the sky."
- Sam
Pouring hearts out about the way things are going is not a new ritual for mankind. It must be a universal healing technique to express angst in song. In the Old Testament, one of the grandest kings who ever lived was so far down he actually wrote, "Oh that I were a bird I would spread my wings and fly and be at rest."(Psalm 55)
Hard times are immanent. There are floods, accidents, death, homeless kids on the streets, plenteous beggars about; the hungry are not worlds away - they are right here on our own block. Some of Mother Earth's stuff happens to us, some we cause. And what's it all for?
For me, it is well with my soul. I know obstacles will persist, and yet I am going to get through them - even better than I was before. I don't pray that my children are sheltered from pain, I pray that are not the cause of pain. I ask God to make them strong, and most of all make them kind. The more struggles I go though the more kind I am. Pain is a great utensil for shaping us up into beautiful, light filled creatures.
I have never been to a funeral that did not make me come home to love my kids all the more and emphasize that every second loving counts. I don't go though a trial without wondering, "What was that all about?" I hope that what I have learned can be used to make this fast spinning vessel a little warmer with the comfort I can give to others. In turn, I do trust the other bleeding souls that have been heartbroken, hungry, and hopeless because they know. I have heard it said, "hurt people hurt;" that may be true at times and yet we can hope that hurt adapts into compassion, love, guidance and thanksgiving.
Ahhh, everyday is not going to be a perfect cup of coffee, sunshine and roses - but the storms sure make a pretty sky. A cup of joe with grounds in it is better than no coffee...and roses? As we've all been enlightened by a popular ditty...they all have thorns. Then again, there are those roses that have been individually selected in your favorite color, all the scraggly leaves and thorns have been fastidiously removed and their presentation says, "You are cared for."
There is good with the bad. There are good moments that far outweigh the dross of life. Live on the high moments, make memories, love your people, and be kind to others - they are going through the same things. If sometime in the darkness, you need to hear the bleak tones to feel the pain - feel it; experience it - those songs are for our aliments. Don't stay there in the blues though. When you are ready, turn it off and think about what you love and who you love. Joy feels all the more joyous when we go though the bad times and broken hearts have the capacity to hold more love.
Quick. Write down 10 things that get you in the boo boo (make you smile inside):
1)Drinking a bubbly coke a cola from the classic bottle 2) a baby waving at me (and by God I wave back)3) photos cause they capture the bliss 4) a goot sale5) picking wild flowers (no, I'm not Snow White) 6) snuggling 7) books I can't put down 8) my cat 9)a great song on the radio 10)a clean house that smells as fresh as a Carolina Pine Forrest and one more; a kindred spirit.
"Live like we are dying.."
"Cast your cares on the Lord - and He will sustain you and you won't be in shambles" The Great King David's conclusion to his heavy hearted psalm.


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