The "Good Medicine"

My Great, Great, Great Grandfather is Chief of the Potawatomi’s Abram B. Burnett (Nan-Wesh-Mah). His first wife was the legendary D'Moosh Kee Kee Awh (Darling Woman/GoodMedicine). It was well known that her beauty and strength was matchless throughout the region. She married Chief Burnett and was at his side during his advocacy for the nation. The story ends with her dying only four years after they married, leaving no children. I was actually grieved when I discovered her destiny. The good Chief went on to marry a fine German lady named Mary, and they had many children. I simply will not let a Darling Woman - Good Medicine die without a legacy. Therefore all the gifting and work from my hands will be from an elusive place called Good Medicine Ranch - Where All Good Things Flow.