Writing YOUR Book

Michael Jackson describes writing a book perfectly in his song "Want to be starting something," when he said it was too high to get over and to low to get under . I read a quote that Eleanor Roosevelt declared saying, "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." I always wanted to write a book but I was afraid of success. It is one thing to be afraid of failing, but success? I take my writing very personally because it is an intimate extension of myself. Opening myself up to criticism is not a very becoming prospect. Yet, I have always been encouraged to write more because my writing was found to be entertaining. Then, was it time? No, I write daily. I write email, cards, messages, and even journal so I find time to write daily. What was it that took me 11 years to finally write a book? It was the call to do so. I felt the passion, urge, and timeliness of my current project and I never looked back. I was inspired, encouraged and yes; even dared to go forth by a...